Traction Batteries Type PzSL


Pancer lead-acid traction battery.They be used as a source of electricity for electric, electric locomotives and others.In center of each battery is mounted breather cap, guaranteeing the free gas release during operation of the battery and prevent the direct separation of sulfuric acid aerosols. Protective basket / plate / separator and plates protects from mechanical impact.

Electric trucks

Type ofbattery Scheme A Scheme B
Dimensions Тегло Dimensions Weight
kg ± 5% kg ± 5%
a (mm) b (mm) h (mm) c (mm) without electrolyte withelectrolyte a (mm) b (mm) h (mm) c (mm) without electrolyte withelectrolyte
2PzS160L 1026 410 462 200 400 500 844 516 462 200 393 493
3PzS240L 1026 564 462 200 533 689 844 696 462 200 531 687
4PzS320L 1026 708 462 225 670 866 844 876 462 250 670 866
5PzS400L 1026 852 462 250 807 1039 844 1064 462 310 809 1041
6PzS480L 1026 996 462 300 959 1223            
7PzS560L 1034 1140 462 350 1070 1358            
8PzS640L 1034 1284 462 400 1233 1569            
3PzS270L 1034 564 537 200 608 772 844 696 537 200 599 779
4PzS360L 1026 708 537 225 760 992 844 876 537 250 760 992
5PzS450L 1026 852 537 250 922 1190 844 1064 537 310 924 1192
6PzS540L 1026 996 537 300 1079 1387            
7PzS630L 1034 1140 537 350 1230 1570            
8PzS720L 1034 1284 537 400 1380 1768            
3PzS330L 1026 564 627 200 758 978 844 696 627 200 755 975
4PzS440L 1026 708 627 225 977 1257 844 876 627 250 977 1257
5PzS550L 1026 852 627 250 1169 1509 844 1064 627 310 1172 1512
6PzS660L 1026 996 627 300 1376 1772            
7PzS770L 1034 1140 627 350 1576 2020            
8PzS880L 1034 1284 627 400 1776 2264            
3PzS345L 1026 564 627 200 766 986 844 696 627 200 763 983
4PzS460L 1026 708 627 225 989 1269 844 876 627 250 989 1269
5PzS575L 1026 852 627 250 1181 1521 844 1064 627 310 1184 1524
6PzS690L 1026 996 627 300 1396 1796            
7PzS805L 1034 1140 627 350 1596 2040            
8PzS920L 1034 1284 627 400 1800 2292            
3PzS420L 1028 567 784 200 947 1187            
4PzS560L 1028 711 784 225 1188 1508            
5PzS700L 1028 855 784 250 1425 1809            
6PzS840L 1028 999 784 300 1666 2409            
7PzS980L 1037 1143 784 350 1913 2705            

Connection sheme



Pancer lead-acid traction battery.They be used as a source of electricity for electric, electric locomotives and others.In center of each battery is mounted breather cap, guaranteeing the free gas release during operation of the battery and prevent the direct separation of sulfuric acid aerosols. Protective basket / plate / separator and plates protects from mechanical impact.

Electric trucks

COnnection sheme

Type of battery Scheme A Scheme B Scheme C
Dimensions Тегло Dimensions Weight Dimensions Weight
kg ± 5% kg ± 5% kg ± 5%
a (mm) b (mm) h (mm) c (mm) without electrolyte withelectrolyte a (mm) b (mm) h (mm) c (mm) without electrolyte withelectrolyte a (mm) b (mm) h (mm) c (mm) without electrolyte withelectrolyte
2PzS160L 830 306 462 70 231 291 1030 259 462 70 235 295            
3PzS240L 830 414 462 130 312 406 1030 349 462 98 315 409            
4PzS320L 830 522 462 165 393 511 1030 439 462 125 387 505            
5PzS400L 830 630 462 202 475 614 1030 529 462 152 477 616            
6PzS480L 830 738 462 238 566 724 1030 619 462 178 568 726            
7PzS560L 830 846 462 275 645 818 1030 709 462 205 646 819            
8PzS640L 830 954 462 310 728 930 1030 799 462 232 729 931            
3PzS270L 830 414 537 130 345 440 1030 349 537 98 348 443            
4PzS360L 830 522 537 165 451 590 1030 439 537 125 455 594            
5PzS450L 830 630 537 202 543 704 1030 529 537 152 546 707            
6PzS540L 830 738 537 238 637 822 1030 619 537 178 639 824            
7PzS630L 830 846 537 275 726 930 1030 709 537 205 727 931            
8PzS720L 830 954 537 310 815 1048 1030 799 537 232 816 1049            
3PzS330L 830 414 627 130 444 576 1030 349 627 98 449 581            
4PzS440L 830 522 627 165 575 743 1030 439 627 125 579 747            
5PzS550L 830 630 627 202 689 893 1030 529 627 152 692 896            
6PzS660L 830 738 627 238 813 1051 1030 619 627 178 815 1053            
7PzS770L 830 846 627 275 932 1198 1030 709 627 205 933 1199            
8PzS880L 830 954 627 310 1050 1343 1030 799 627 232 1051 1344            
3PzS345L 830 414 627 130 449 581 1030 349 627 98 454 586            
4PzS460L 830 522 627 165 582 750 1030 439 627 125 586 754            
5PzS575L 830 630 627 202 696 900 1030 529 627 152 700 904            
6PzS690L 830 738 627 238 825 1065 1030 619 627 178 827 1067            
7PzS805L 830 846 627 275 944 1210 1030 709 627 205 945 1211            
8PzS920L 830 954 627 310 1065 1360 1030 799 627 232 1066 1361            
3PzS420L 835 418 784 130 577 721 1035 353 784 98 586 730 1223 283 784 65 592 736
4PzS560L 835 526 784 165 724 916 1035 433 784 125 731 923 1223 355 784 85 735 927
5PzS700L 835 634 784 202 868 1098 1035 533 784 152 874 1104 1223 427 784 100 876 1106
6PzS840L 835 742 784 238 1015 1279 1035 623 784 178 1019 1283 1223 499 784 120 1019 1283
7PzS980L 835 850 784 275 1172 1484 1035 713 784 205 1170 1473 1223 571 784 135 1165 1463
8PzS1120L 835 958 784 310 1318 1654 1030 803 784 232 1310 1634 1223 643 784 155 1306 1630



Pancer lead-acid traction battery.They be used as a source of electricity for electric, electric locomotives and others.In center of each battery is mounted breather cap, guaranteeing the free gas release during operation of the battery and prevent the direct separation of sulfuric acid aerosols. Protective basket / plate / separator and plates protects from mechanical impact.

Electric trucks

Type ofbattery Scheme A Scheme B Scheme C
Dimensions Теглоkg ± 5% Dimensions Weightkg ± 5% Dimensions Weightkg ± 5%
a (mm) b (mm) h (mm) c (mm) without electrolyte with electrolyte a (mm) b (mm) h (mm) c (mm) without electrolyte with electrolyte a (mm) b (mm) h (mm) c (mm) without electrolyte with electrolyte
2PzS120L 830 165 402 28 102 127 624 212 402 0 107 132 306 424 402 100 104 129
2PzS160L 830 165 462 28 129 159 624 212 462 0 125 155 306 424 462 100 123 153
3PzS240L 830 219 462 28 170 217 624 284 462 0 166 213 414 424 462 100 165 212
4PzS320L 830 273 462 50 204 263 624 356 462 0 207 266 522 424 462 100 207 266
5PzS400L 830 327 462 50 251 321 624 428 462 0 249 319 630 424 462 100 249 319
6PzS480L 830 381 462 50 290 369 624 500 462 0 294 373 744 424 462 100 295 374
7PzS560L 830 435 462 74 335 421 624 572 462 0 335 430 852 424 462 100 332 430
8PzS640L 830 489 462 74 371 472 624 644 462 0 377 478 960 424 462 100 379 480
2PzS180L 830 165 537 28 147 183 624 212 537 0 142 178 306 424 537 100 140 176
3PzS270L 830 219 537 28 192 246 624 284 537 0 187 241 414 424 537 100 188 242
4PzS360L 830 273 537 50 239 309 624 356 537 0 235 305 522 424 537 100 236 305
5PzS450L 830 327 537 50 286 366 624 428 537 0 284 364 630 424 537 100 285 365
6PzS540L 830 381 537 50 333 425 624 500 537 0 332 424 744 424 537 100 333 425
7PzS630L 830 435 537 74 378 480 624 572 537 0 377 479 852 424 537 100 378 480
8PzS720L 830 489 537 74 423 539 624 644 537 0 422 538 960 424 537 100 424 540
2PzS220L 830 165 627 28 179 223 624 212 627 0 174 218 306 424 627 100 172 216
3PzS330L 830 219 627 28 240 306 624 284 627 0 235 301 414 424 627 100 234 300
4PzS440L 830 273 627 50 305 389 624 356 627 0 301 385 522 424 627 100 301 385
5PzS550L 830 327 627 50 362 464 624 428 627 0 359 461 630 424 627 100 359 461
6PzS660L 830 381 627 50 424 543 624 500 627 0 422 541 744 424 627 100 423 542
7PzS770L 830 435 627 74 483 616 624 572 627 0 482 615 852 424 627 100 484 617
8PzS880L 830 489 627 74 543 689 624 644 627 0 543 689 960 424 627 100 544 690
2PzS230L 830 165 627 28 181 225 624 212 627 0 175 219 306 424 627 100 173 217
3PzS345L 830 219 627 28 242 308 624 284 627 0 238 304 414 424 627 100 237 303
4PzS460L 830 273 627 50 309 393 624 356 627 0 305 389 522 424 627 100 304 388
5PzS575L 830 327 627 50 366 468 624 428 627 0 363 465 630 424 627 100 363 465
6PzS690L 830 381 627 50 430 550 624 500 627 0 428 548 744 424 627 100 429 549
7PzS805L 830 435 627 74 489 622 624 572 627 0 488 621 852 424 627 100 490 623
8PzS920L 830 489 627 74 550 698 624 644 627 0 550 698 960 424 627 100 552 700
3PzS420L 835 223 784 28 321 393 628 288 784 0 312 384 418 428 784 100 310 382
4PzS560L 835 277 784 50 394 490 628 360 784 0 394 490 526 428 784 100 386 482
5PzS700L 835 331 784 50 467 582 628 432 784 0 469 584 634 428 784 100 461 576
6PzS840L 835 385 784 50 540 672 628 504 784 0 536 668 748 428 784 100 538 670
7PzS980L 835 439 784 74 615 764 628 576 784 0 613 762 856 428 784 100 615 764
8PzS1120L 835 493 784 74 687 849 628 648 784 0 687 849 965 428 784 100 690 852



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